Bats often roost in caves, tunnels, trees, or crevices in buildings, but with the destruction of bat habitats by humans, pesticide application, and insecticide abuse, bats are not only homeless, but their populations are also decreasing. In order to prevent bats from being homeless and to conserve them, the curator of Formosan Golden Bat’s Home Heng-Ching Chang started making bat houses (bat boxes) in 2001, and started promoting bat house actively to general public in 2002. Mr. Chang has already designed 20 types of bat houses and have successfully used more than 14 types in the field. One of the models has a lift-up door and four chembers with 13 species of bats (Eptesicus pachyomus horikawai, Harpiola isodon, Murina puta, Murina gracilis, Murina recondita, Myotis frater, Barbastella darjelingensis, Pipistrellus montanus, Plecotus taivanus, Miniopterus fuliginosus, Nyctalus plancyi velutinus, Pipistrellus abramus and Scotophilus kuhlii), and the other double-layer DIY model has 8 species of bats (Eptesicus pachyomus horikawai, Murina puta, Murina recondita, Pipistrellus montanus, Nyctalus plancyi velutinus, Pipistrellus abramus, Scotophilus kuhlii and Vespertilio sinensis) living in. Batologist or environmental education promoters from more than 30 countries have come to FGBH for exchanging the experience on making bat houses. Led by the Taiwan Sustainable Union, FGBH is currently design the most types and high popularity of bat houses promotion team in Taiwan.